where the world comes to life

Photo: Peter Stebbings in the Canadian Premiere (1997) of Jez Butterworth's 'Mojo', produced by Western Theatre Conspiracy
A Message for World Theatre Day 2005
From Ariane Mnouchkine, Artistic Director of Theatre du Soleil
Theatre, come to my rescue!
I am asleep. Wake me
I am lost in the dark, guide me, at least towards a candle
I am lazy, shame me
I am tired, raise me up
I am indifferent, strike me
I remain indifferent, beat me up
I am afraid, encourage me
I am ignorant, teach me
I am monstrous, make me human
I am pretentious, make me die of laughter
I am cynical, take me down a peg
I am foolish, transform me
I am wicked, punish me.
I am dominating and cruel, fight against me
I am pedantic, make fun of me
I am vulgar, elevate me
I am mute, untie my tongue
I no longer dream, call me a coward or a fool
I have forgotten, throw Memory in my face
I feel old and stale, make the Child in me leap up
I am heavy, give me Music
I am sad, bring me Joy
I am deaf, make Pain shriek like a storm
I am agitated, let Wisdom rise within me
I am weak, kindle Friendship
I am blind, summon all the Lights
I am dominated by Ugliness, bring in conquering Beauty
I have been recruited by Hatred, unleash all the forces of Love.
World Theatre Day was created in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute and is celebrated annually on March 27th by ITI centers and the international theatre community.
Various national and international theatre events are held to mark this occasion. One of the most important is the circulation of the International Message, traditionally written by a theatre personality of world stature at the invitation of the International Theatre Institute.
The first such message was written by Jean Cocteau in 1962.
Ariane Mnouchkine, French auteur and director of the Theatre du Soleil, wrote the above message for 2005.
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