genny cream ale and candy corn

"Here are some things I really, really love. I am currently obsessing about them.
Some are new, some have floated in and out of my orbit since time began……. They are in no particular order……. Well, actually hot chocolate is in first place.
- Hot chocolate
- Nina Hagen “Smack Jack” from "Nunsexmonkrock” she crazy. The video is great too, there’s terrible early 80s “effects,” she dresses like Hitler, the Madonna, a nurse and some smudgy baby doll. She looks like Courtney Love swiped her look. She probably did. Nina has some serious balls. I’ll never stop loving her.
- Rice cooked in coconut milk. Mmmmmmm.
- Leaving the classical radio station on all the time. My dog turned me onto it. He used to be a racing dog, and they leave the radio on all day for the dogs at the track kennels. The people I adopted him from suggested I do the same if I leave him alone. I just started leaving it on when I got home. It was so soothing! The only problem is it makes me seriously consider going into felonious credit card debt to purchase a real 70s style stereo with really good speakers. My dog is talking me into it. He’s not a fan of the crappy, on-sale-at-Target Sony boom box anymore. I guess he doesn’t have much better hearing than it do.
- Side one of Bootsy Collins’ “Ultrawave”. I had a copy when I was 18 and I wore it out. I just got a new one the other day. Welcome Home Bootsy! I love it when he scolds me, “You shoulda been funky by now! You shoulda been dancin’ by now!” Hot.
- Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit - "Rose of England" from the LP of the same name. Such perfect phrasing. Sigh. The way he says “hot potato, da-rop it and run…” En-Ga-Lund, just like that other genius-fox Roger Miller…. Oh I could die.
- Horchata! And just so you know, the best horchata in the world is made at the Little Poca Cosa Café in Tucson, AZ. Never powdered, always fresh! And the sexy ladies hug and kiss you try to leave.
- Visqueen. They have a new record out called “Sunset On Dateland.” Ohhhh, it’s dandy! I love this record! They should force teenage girls (not that this is a teenage record, it rocks universally to all) to listen to this instead of Avril Lavigne (I don’t know how to spell her name!) They would have no problem growing up to be tough. They would form an army (cool boys could be in it too); they would all play in bands. They wouldn’t miss-spell words on purpose, they would know dawn well that only his purple highness is allowed to do that. Those pink millionaire Hilton sisters and their ilk would incinerate to dust in their presence. Our army, in turn would roll up their voter registration cards and snort them. They would be singing “A Viewing” by Visqueen.
- Not-so-guilty pleasure…... Frankie Goes To Hollywood! Welcome to the Pleasuredome! Speaking of Pleasure… I’m not talking about the hits man, this double album is crazy! They are fearless! It’s an 80s Roman Hedonist Synthesizer Jizz-Fest (but with actual drums and bass!!!). Balls of steel! I still love it!
- The Del-Monas, man do I love the Del-Monas! Run out and buy anything of theirs right now! They sound so tough and bored at the same time! It’s like they were actually lying on ratty couches and smoking while they sang. They music is mean, the production is meaner. I can listen to it over and over and over……..
- Carly Simon's “That’s The Way I Always Heard It Should Be.” I know it was still the 70s and it was still ok to put good music on the radio, but jeez! How did this song become a hit? It’s so dark. It’s soooo good. Just when we think our young heroine figures it out, se agrees to get married and have kids with the guy. I guess it’s more truthful that way. It still makes me cringe though. Thank you Carly Simon. Carly also dispelled my own prejudice that rich people can’t rock. We’ve all got to be unreasonable about something! (And I was right about it 99.9% of the time anyway). The entire first and second records are really good. Lots of interesting, beautiful singing. I’m gonna steal the “drums are over in the next county” sound of the production for my evil plans.
- Satellite Radio! Damn, I forgot about the radio. I had forsaken it so long ago……. Handsome Dick Manitoba has a show! Yay! Ohhhh, he’s playing Stiv Bators right now. I feel thirteen. I’m thinking about him wearing that skeleton outfit in “Polyester.” Hot. “Nice beating you Mrs. Fishpaw!” Genesee Cream Ale and candy corn. Mmmmm.
- Shopping in the boys department at Target. I’m the size of a large boy, so the pajama possibilities are endless. Yesterday I got a pair with battleships on them for seven bucks! 100% cotton! I’m embracing the spirit of our warlike nation. With fashion. Now that’s cunty! Besides, the girls’ pajamas are fucking lame. Always have been. Fuck your pink-ass strawberries and Hello Kitty. Don’t try this at Wal-Mart. There is no natural fiber available there. Only petroleum-based cloth that grafts to your skin forever if shown a flame. You’ll end up with a yeast infection. Not convenient."
My father sits at night with no lights on
His cigarette glows in the dark.
The living room is still;
I walk by, no remark.
I tiptoe past the master bedroom where
My mother reads her magazines.
I hear her call sweet dreams,
But I forgot how to dream.
But you say it's time we moved in together
And raised a family of our own, you and me -
Well, that's the way I've always heard it should be:
You want to marry me, we'll marry.

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