all killah no fillah - vol. 1
A roundup of interesting sights, sounds and ideas online: brings readers insightful, thought-provoking news/features published in 125 papers across N. America.
Best of Still Photojournalism 2004
Some pictures really do tell a story -- and pack a strong emotional punch. Too bad the images can't be enlarged.
Experiencing War (Prisoners of War):
Stories from the Veterans' History Project
This ongoing project organizes the stories by theater of war (Germany, Japan, Korea, VietNam), and by theme (buddies, sweethearts, life-altering moments, etc.). Amazing stuff.
Junkmedia - Daily transmissions from the world of sound
"We strive to highlight music and musicians who have been overlooked by the mainstream music press, as well as provide alternative viewpoints on the 'popular' artists of today."
Hamster-Powered Nightlight
Instructions for building your very own. Makes you wonder what could be powered by the average two-year-old, eh?
Jaws in 30 Seconds Re-Enacted by Bunnies
Pretty damn funny. Turn your speakers on.
Mr. Picassohead
Drag and drop features onto a canvas to create your own Picasso-style face. (Wot u fink? Am I, a fabulous artist?)